Wonder why?
Well here's the story....
So Sunday the 27th Alex and I get up and get ready to go help his Mom move.
Well since I told her I couldn't take her cat I figured she found a home since she was planning on moving that day and not staying at all at her old place in the mean time. Which is a good hour away.
So we get there and start bringing things out packing up a few last minute things and then we walk into the bedroom and the floor I see a puddle of black.
My goodness the cat was still there! Super sweet on top of that he jumped up and started in on the loving. I swear it was like a conspiracy against me. He let me pick him up and hold him and we walked around and kept him out of the way of the big stuff.
I started thinking again of what it would be like to bring this big baby home and I decide I wont make a decision just yet.
I ask his Mom whats going to happen to big old Pepper in there and turns out the plan was to bring Pepper to a shelter in NH to be fostered but she wasn't going to meet her Mom to make the Pepper drop off for another 3 days. I noticed Peppers litter box was disassembled and I know Pepper is indoor/outdoor, so I can only assume that Pepper was to live outside for 3 days until she could come back to bring him to NH.
So I decided. Pepper would come home with me.
It took some time to wrangle him up he knew something was up, watching his entire house get packed up, but I got him and brought him home.
So far there has been only two middle of the night fights more like whapping fests between Tygana and Pepper but a good amount of hissing.
I've been keeping Tygana inside because one night he wouldnt come in on his own...I guess he smelled strange cat so I had to go get him and bring him in. Until he is used to the smell of Pepper then I've decided to keep him in the house. So far now Pepper is living upstairs in the bedroom most of the day and Tygana lives downstairs and in the evening they come together.
Last night they shared a window sill that has two windows each cat got their own window and they fell asleep there. I can see the tug-o-war over who's going to be the alpha for a few days Tygana acts real big and strong then for a few days Pepper does it.
Meet Pepper!
Here's Tygana yesterday.
So with all that admitted..
I think I'm having just as hard a time as the two cats getting used to having two cats. When I go upstairs to spend some time with Pepper...I start feeling like I'm cheating on Tygana. I've become so used to being able to focus everything on one cat and give it all to one cat that sharing it among two cats feels a little weird sometimes. So when ya'll went from one cats home to multi cat homes how did you spread the love and the not feel weird about it....is there some technique or is it just something you get used to? Alex has had multiple cats before and he's not having the same problem he says when hes loving on Pepper he still know he loves Tygana and spends time with him so he has no problem and vice versa. But when I'm with one I feel like I should be with the other too. Looks like I still have a lot to learn of course.
So what I would like from you my fellow bloggers is of you going from single cat to multi cat homes and how you the beans dealt with it. Thanks.
Also in honor of Pepper coming here, Tyganas cuteness and the month of July. Every week this month we will be hosting a giveaway here at OneCatsNip. (does onecatsnip still work? LOL twocatsnip sounds silly) Keep an eye out for details later today!