18 October, 2009

My Fellow Catizens...

Hello agains fellow catizens and their beans. This week my beans took a trip over to man beans family and got some pictures of the catizens in residence. Todays I would likes to share thems photos with you all.

This strappings lad in the photos to my lefts is Mr. Jones.

This fluffy guy over here to my right, is well....Fluffy.

and this guy to our left is Gino, I hears he's a scaredy cat

My beans spent a couple hours with these lovely catizens and these are the fruits of their visit. I hope you all enjoy

Ashley: Looks like Mr. Jones is checking out the contents of the bowl.
Tygana: MMms maybes theres some delicious c-foods in theres.

Ashley: Maybe fluffy here will can help, he sure looks like a superhero
Tygana: Supah catizens to thes rescues! Now, Fluffs I needs help getting down some catfood...
Fluffy:....I thinks me needs to check on the foods sitation meselfs...

Fluffy: Cats foods!!! Yummyyyss!!! Gimmie, gimmiie, gimmiesssssss

Mr. Jones: Muahaha, I am hiding all the cats fooods for meselfs!! Those silly cats will never finds it out heres.

Fluffy: I cants finds the cans...must start search..but oh so hungry...GINOOOOO

To be continued...


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohh, great shots!!! Mummy really adores Gino- but you're all lovely (and we'd like to RUMBLE with Fluffy, for sure!!!)

Karen Jo said...

Those are some very good looking cats. I hope that Fluffy will find some food soon.

The Island Cats said...

Thanks for introducing your furiends to us! We hope Fluffy finds some foods before he passes out from hunger...

The Crew said...

My, what a handsome family!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

They are adorable.. I love them all.. Hugs GJ xx

Cory said...

Look at all of you! Very cute!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very cute friends you have there!!!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Good looking cousings you have.

In re to your comment: We like the toy fine and we've had lots of fun in it, even if it did take Jan centuries to put all the pieces together.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

This is my first time here! Thank you for your introducing your Fellow Cat Citizens! All very dashing--just how it should be!

Noir in Texas


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